Dahesh Sings the DaheshistMission in the United States
BEFORE having you listen to the voice of Doctor Dahesh singing the presence of the Daheshist Mission in America, my dear reader, allow me first to answer an important question that, I am sure, must have crossed your inquisitive mind: Of all the nations of the world, why the United States in particular?
To answer this question, let me refer you to what I wrote in my book (to be published soon—God willing!)“Reflections on My Life: My Golden Moments with the Beloved,” which is a sequel to my first book (already published): “Reflections on My life: Before and after Doctor Dahesh.”
Why the United States in particular?
Ask all those who are willing to live through the hell of inhumane conditions, packed miserably like cattle in the insalubrities of dark and dank containers, or like sardines in the deep hold of a doomed boat, just for the sake of tasting though the lure of a decent life.
Ask anyone who lived under the yoke of tyranny, greed, and deceit, long enough to know that True Freedom is the Holy Grail of mankind.
Ask anyone to whom living in proper dignity has become a mere fantasy.
Ask all those who flocked to her pristine shores, hoping to build their little piece of paradise on earth.
Wasn’t America brought to life by the spirit of those very people who left the tyranny, iniquity, religious persecution, and inescapable if not imposed poverty of their homeland, seeking to fulfill the dream of a decent life, where man could prosper freely at the sweat of his brow within equitable laws, all the while upholding the spiritual values he or she has espoused?
Whatever we may think of America—whether we love her or hate her, we cannot divest her of what she has come to symbolize in the minds and hearts of all the oppressed people of the world. To them America is the land of equal opportunities and genuine Freedom in all its honorable aspects¾namely the freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, and most of all: the freedom to build a life one can be proud of. It was the people in the United States—not the government—who forced the different countries of the world to rethink their form and method of ruling, because they proved to all the totalitarian regimes of the world, be they outwardly recognized as such, or hidden behind false pretences of democracy, that when the peoples in a given country are united heart and soul in a worthy goal, the country they form is unshakable. I am not saying that the people in the United States came up with the perfect form of government; no, but in my view, it is the most perfect any nation upholds on Earth. The day I came to understand what a nation needs so that its people may live in peace and harmony, I started to look at the different nations around the world, trying to see which nation my heart leaned to. It was the United States that won my admiration hands down. Thus, I became an American at heart, though I wasn’t a Daheshist yet. And Dahesh came to reinforce that feeling in me when he espied her as the Rock upon which he decided to build his Temple, on account of the values she upheld.
I don’t deny that other countries enjoy these noble values within their boundaries, but what makes America unique is that not only does she fight heart and soul to preserve these values for her own citizens, but wants them also to all the people of the world, regardless of their race, status, and religious belief. Don’t judge America through the political intrigues carried by the few of her men in power; judge her through the spiritual endowment of her people as a whole. No nation in the world has championed Freedom—True Freedom!—the way the United States has. Her history vouches for that tendency.
In their freedom, the other countries are inclusive if not nationalistic; in her freedom America is universal. America has come to personify Freedom in the mind of those deprived of it, all over the world. And this idea is embedded more in the minds of the people still knocking at her door—up to this day—than in the minds of those already living there. That’s why I believe that the freedom that exists in her realm is as good a freedom as it can get anywhere upon this arth. That’s why America will always be a beacon. That’s why also the American people owe it to the spirit of their forefathers to keep the torch of this freedom burning at the entrance gates of the safe haven they have created. I know: you can’t bring the whole world to America; but you can bring America to the world, unbiased, fair, and truthful to the same spirit that made her be. It is incumbent upon her to uphold that role. And should she now and then teeter in her resolve, it is incumbent upon all of us—us who long to be free—to remind her of her Destiny.
DURING his life Doctor Daheshvisited many countries in the world and wrote his impressions about each one of them. He judged them as a divine messenger, and not as a tourist looking to have a memorable time. In his book “Memoirs of a Dinar” [written in 1942], which retraces the allegorical journey around the world of a golden coin through the chiaroscuro of human nature, Doctor Dahesh says through the voice of the Dinar:
NEW YORK, city of the Dollar. The wheel of the world would stop spinning were we to exclude the Dollar, this master before whom all bow. He is the heart, the nerve, and the soul of this city, a noisy and tumultuous city that, during the night, comes to life with her magical lights. Her axis revolves around naught but the power of matter, and matter alone.
Spiritual value has no weight whatsoever there. There is no place for it, at all, in this capital where the millions are heaped. Here every one swears only by matter. New York is built on the heavy foundations of this vile matter: by matter she lives, by matter she dies. Let him whom sufferance is his destiny head toward New York without his pockets being amply filled with dollars, and he will understand the meaning of misery to the full extent of the word.
But there exists another aspect to New York. I lived there for four years, and I have noticed that an extraordinary freedom of thought reigns there. Though it astonished me fully, still, this fact stirred my admiration greatly. What a strange contrast between this freedom and the chains that fetter India and Egypt for example! The most miserable here is the equal of the highest personalities: he expresses himself with the same authority, the same independence. There are no seigneurs, no slaves throughout the whole land. Science and civilization flourish under the shadow of the spangled banner, which the eagle protects with his powerful wings. As to the newspapers, there is no subject that they do not tackle with avidity, analyzing and dissecting it through the microscope. They criticize the masters of the hour, putting in evidence their wrongs down to the least negligence. The most striking is that, any political figure who happens to have been put to task by the press, amends his conduct without protesting. He even thanks whoever was able to bring him to correct his wrong, on account that it was for his own good and the good of the public at large.
I, yesterday a Dinar, today a ring encircling the finger of a young beauty, wished that a day would come when India, this country of 350 millions people, Egypt, with her 18 millions people today, and the other countries of the Orient, who are enchained and oppressed by colonization, and where the freedom of speech and writ are forbidden, be able, in the near future, to enjoy the same kind of independence, and I thought: America! whatever may be your materialism and your love for the dollar, whatever may be your infatuation with that nefarious idol and the disasters ensued upon the soul on its account, I love you, O Land of Liberty, I love you, and wish that I could live in your bosom till the day God grants the Orient this sublime Liberty He has so generously granted you.
TO DOCTOR DAHESH Liberty is a God given right that no soul should be deprived of; it is a basic element in the human condition. He sung it the way he sung every thing sacred to him in this life: