I am that lonely bard with a broken heart,
Left to string the sullen notes of a missed adieu.
Where is my lyre?
How goes my tune?
And how am I to sing,
When all I know are songs of joy?
You taught me sweet melodies of a life renewed
And left me bereaved to sing a dream come-true.
If grief and woe are to ebb and flow
With the surge of an aching plaint
I have my share of that ever-pouring fount.
I feel that music going through my veins
To staunch my every drop of searing pain:
It soothes me but fails to reach my heart
Where lies a lake of unfathomable plight:
A genial heart you enthralled but to throb
To the bewildering rhythm of a smiling faith!
And now you are bidding my saddened soul
To sing alone the glory of a new dawn
Your hands alone have traced the orb!
I am that clay lying amorphous for far too long
But moistened with the tears of a weeping soul!
Where are my tools?
How fairs my mould?
Am I pliant enough?
Or am I that idleness still to endure?
I am that lump you heaved from a decaying sod:
What you saw in me then … I know not!
My sins and craggy pride weighed me deep in mud,
Time and remorse hastened my essence to rot!
Yet you came to me with a new breath of life:
A new hope to bestow and bid me again to thrive!
So here I stand between life and death waiting
For my new shape to arise and a better fate pleading!
So knead me at will with your doting hands:
Wrought me into any form your whim fares.
Let your fingers scrape away any superfluous part,
Till I become more pleasing to your generous heart!
I am that clay lying restless in a forgetful time:
My breath of life is the first touch of your tender sigh!
I am that tree that withstood the years
Awaiting the whiff of a vivifying zephyr.
Will it ever come?
Could I stand the blow?
Did it just pass me by …
And I was unaware?
There was time I had a happy nest on every bow.
All kinds of birds warbled their days away in tune:
They were assured of a harmless season of rains.
But winter came and my lifeless embrace
Failed to provide that warmth so much in need.
To other trees I saw them fly, one after the other,
Taking along their sweet melodies and merry revel!
There was a time my foliage rustled with utter joy
To feel the sunrays avidly filtering through my veins!
A glittering steam rippled gently beneath my shade
And they all came to bask in that serene landscape!
Now that I am bare and my flow has lost its glow,
They all moved away to other enchanted glades.
And here I am still deeply rooted in that decaying sod,
Ever waiting the scythe of a merciful wind!
I am that tear Time has shed again and again
For failing to welcome you on your every advent.
I am that piercing shriek the stars have heaved
To witness our crimes toward the innocent Lamb!
Though often you touched our world with a hope renewed
Yet all you retrieved was more suffering and disdain.
Is it that we are weltering too much in a scorching hell
That we can no longer recognize the fragrance of heaven?
We thought you would be coming on a starry cloud,
With Judgement’s angels surrounding you nigh;
But you chose to come as an ordinary man
Ever more humble … yet ever more proud!
We expected the hosannas to soar from all the Land,
But all we heard was blaspheme and hate.
You brightened our dreams … anointed our hearts,
Gathered some more sheep … and a lot of pain
And didn’t even deign let us wreathe your brow!
What will happen now?
Are we to meet again?
Were we worth all the pain
You stoically endured for the sake of love?