Mr. Secretary General United Nations

Letter of Marie Hadad addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations twenty-five years before the outbreak of civil war that ravaged Lebanon Mr. Secretary General United Nations Palais de Chaillot – Paris     I take heart in addressing this petition to you, emboldened by the appeal you made public, an appeal which was echoed in the public press and …

Selection of New Poems by Joseph H. Chakkour – 2010

I am that lonely pilgrim I am that lonely pilgrimLost in yonder trails,A wayfarer,In search of the Holy Grail! In vain …I roamed the distant climes,Looking for TruthTo bid her my warmest rhymes! My journey I knew would be long and weary,So all my belonging I laid aside:No raiment or food I deemed to carry,The …

Unpublished letter from Dahesh to Noon, his Attorner at Law

Written from exile “ … While the car was proceeding with its insane speed, I kept saying to myself, every second that went by: they will soon kill me and get rid of me by throwing me in a ravine somewhere along the deserted roads … ” My brother, Attorney Edward Noon, May God protect …